Bejeweled cross for Fr. Marek Novicky

On December 23, 2022 our Bishop Kurt Burnette (Apostolic Administrator) awarded Very Rev. Marek Novicky, the right to wear a jeweled or enameled pectoral presbyteral cross (with the blessing of the Most Rev. Peter Rusnak). Fr. Marek has been a faithful servant since 2006. This special cross is awarded to Fr. Marek in recognition of his service to the people in parishes assigned to him. He served them diligently in good times and bad. He served and continues to serve his bishops and archbishops with integrity and grace.

Gemstones are associated with priesthood in both the Old and the New Testament and are symbol of spiritual treasures a priest imparts. We rejoice with Fr. Marek, thank him for his dedication to us for more than 10 years and wish him continued health and happiness for many more years in the service of our Lord.



End Pandemic Decree


Christ is Born! Glorify Him!