The Byzantine Catholic Slovak Cathedral of the Nativity of the Mother of God
Toronto, Ontario
October 29, 1951: Greek-catholic church of the Nativity of the Mother of God in Toronto for Slovaks of the Eastern Rite was established Rev. L. Minya was appointed as the first pastor.
April 1, 1952: Rev. Michael Rusnak, CSsR, appointed pastor. During this time, the congregation acquired its own church and rectory on Shaw Street in Toronto.
1965 through 1972: Rev. John Fetsco, CSsR, served the parish.
1973-1997: Rev. Lynch, Rev. Bubanko, Rev. Sipek, Rev. Jelenic, Rev. Krafcik, Rev. Boyle, Rev. Leso and Rev. Papulay took turns serving the parish.
1997-2004: Rev. Miroslav Cajka, CSsR on loan from Redemptorist Vice-Province of Michalovce, Slovakia.
2004-2007: Rev. Pavol Dolinsky, on loan from Archeparchy of Presov, Slovakia.
2007-2013: Rev. Andrew Kormanik.
2013 to present: Very Rev. Marek Novicky, pastor.
The Byzantine Catholic Slovak Cathedral of the Nativity of the Mother of God
Toronto, Ontario
The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Slovak Byzantine
Catholic Church
Hamilton, Ontario
Our Church in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Zosnutia Presvätej Bohorodičky) is one of several Slovak Byzantine Catholic churches that are part of the Slovak Eparchy of Sts. Cyril and Methodius in Canada.
The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Slovak Byzantine
Catholic Church
Hamilton, Ontario
The Protection of the Mother of God Slovak Byzantine Catholic Church
Oshawa, Ontario
Protection of the Mother of God parish in Oshawa came into existence on February 17, 1952 under the guidance of the Ukrainian Catholic bishop, Isodore Borecky. He appointed Fr. Michael Rusnak (who would later become the first bishop of the Slovak eparchy) as pastor of the new parish. He would serve the Divine Liturgy in the Slovak Hall until the church proper could be built. The project came to fruition on October 2, 1955, when the Most Reverend Isodore Borecky blessed the Church building. From that time many priests have served in the Oshawa parish: Fr Jozef Adamiak, Fr Richare Boyle, Fr Miroslav Cajka, Fr Vincent Danco, Fr Kamil Drab, Fr Jozef Dubiak, Fr John Fetsco, Fr Peter Jelenic, Fr Andrej Krafcik, Fr Jan Leso, Fr Ludvik Mina, Bishop John Pazak, Fr George Perejda, Bishop Michael Rusnak, Fr. Pavol Tomko, Fr Adof Vateha, Fr. Anton Zouzal.
Fr Stephen Williams has been serving Protection of the Mother of God parish from 2006 to the present.
The Protection of the Mother of God Slovak Byzantine Catholic Church
Oshawa, Ontario
St. Michael’s Slovak Byzantine Catholic Church
Windsor, Ontario
1949 Slovak community decided to set up a parish
1949-1952 they attended services at Sts. Vladimir and Olga Ukrainian Catholic church
Fr. Andrej Krafcik, CSsR, the first priest of this parish, held services at St. Angela’s
1952 – they purchased a property
June 1954 – the cornerstone was blessed
November 1954 the church was consecrated and dedicated to St. Michael Archangel
1958 Fr. Anthony Zouzal was assigned to the parish. Twin steeples and stained glass windows were added
1976 – 1994, after the death of Fr. Zouzal, several priests served the parish: Fr. Fetsco, CSsR, Fr. Novak, Fr. Lynch, Fr. Sipek, Fr. Skoczylas, Fr. Seman and Fr. Hrytsyk
1994 Fr. Zdravecky was assigned to the parish
2006 Fr. Martin Vavrak served the parish until 2013
2013 - 2019 parish was served by Fr. Eugen Halitsky, retired parish priest from the Ukrainian Eparchy
2019 – 2021 parish was under the care of Fr. Lach
2021 following Fr. Lach’s return to Slovakia, the parish is under the care of Very Rev. Marek Novicky who was appointed by Bishop Kurt Burnette as the Administrator and Fr. Halitsky continues to serve the parish on a regular basis
St. Michael’s Slovak Byzantine Catholic Church
Windsor, Ontario
“The Church’s missionary spirit is not about proselytizing, but the testimony of a life that illuminates the path, which brings hope and love.”
- Pope Francis