Safe Environment
Safe Environment Policy
The policy for Safe Environments and the Protection of Children, Youth and Vulnerable Adults acknowledges the need to provide safe pastoral environments and protect those most vulnerable in our parish communities.
It establishes best practices not only to protect those to whom we minister, especially children, youth and vulnerable adults, but also to ensure the integrity, safety and reputation of those who minister, namely, clergy, religious, staff and church volunteers, and the ministries they provide.
Together, we can better promote wholeness, accountability, trust and care within the Church by fulfilling our spiritual, ethical, moral, and legal responsibilities.
Responsible ministry
What is abuse?
Screening and training
For volunteers and parishes
For clergy and consecrated persons
For lay employees and the Eparchy
Reporting and responding to abuse.
Report abuse
What happens when abuse is reported
Care and healing
Responsible Ministry
What is abuse?
Screening and Training
For volunteers and parishes
For clergy and consecrated persons
For lay employees and the Eparchy
Reporting and Responding to Abuse
Report abuse
What happens when abuse is reported
Care and healing
Responsible Ministry
The Eparchy of Saints Cyril and Methodius for Slovaks of the Byzantine Rite in Canada (the Slovak Eparchy of Toronto) is committed to providing a safe pastoral environment which is free from abuse for all of those to whom we minister, especially those who are the most vulnerable.
Intent of Safe Environments Policy
To provide clear directives in order to establish and maintain a safe pastoral environment which is free from abuse.
To provide clear directives to respond to allegations of abuse within the Slovak Eparchy of Toronto.
Responsible Ministry
All parish and eparchial individuals providing ministry, including all clergy, religious, seminarians, laity, employees and volunteers, will:
undergo Volunteer and Employee Screening according to eparchial procedures to determine their suitability for ministry and/or employment
sign a Covenant of Care, thereby committing to follow all safe environment procedures, including adherence to the Code of Pastoral Conduct.
Safe Environments Training
Safe Environments Training teaches us how to identify abuse, not only in our Church, but also in our families and communities. Safe Environment Training sets standards of appropriate behaviour so that non-appropriate behaviour is easily noticeable and can be addressed immediately. It teaches us when and how to report abuse to church and civil authorities.
Safe Environment Training is mandatory for:
all priests, deacons, sub-deacons, lectors, women and men religious, and monastics
all parish and eparchial employees and keyholders
all volunteers in a high-risk ministry involving youth and children, as well as pastoral care ministries to hospitals, care centres, nursing homes, private homes, etc.
all volunteers in a leadership role or those responsible for any parish or eparchial organization or committee, including all parish and eparchial Pastoral/Finance Council members, Volunteer Screening Coordinators and all presidents of parish and eparchial organizations.
Reporting Abuse
The Church takes seriously its responsibility to provide a safe pastoral environment within its parishes and ministries. When an allegation arises, the Slovak Eparchy of Toronto is committed to responding with compassion and in a timely manner, providing assistance to those in need of healing and reconciliation, and will take any and all means to prevent a future occurrence of abuse.
For all matters of abuse involving vulnerable persons, seniors, minors, church, properties/finances, bullying, etc. by any clergy, staff or lay volunteer within the Church, please contact:
Fr. Alexander Laschuk JCD
Eparchial Coordinator of Care
Email: safeguarding@ucetec.org
Safeguarding Hotline: +1 (833)-553-2233
The Slovak Eparchy of Toronto is committed to responding to reports of abuse by any of our clergy, staff or lay volunteers promptly, openly and in full co-operation with child welfare authorities and/or police.
Care and Healing
The Slovak Eparchy of Toronto is committed to spiritual care and healing by ensuring that:
those who bring forth allegations of abuse are treated with dignity and respect
spiritual care, counselling and support are made available to victims of abuse
the good reputation and the privacy of all persons involved are protected
What is abuse?
Abuse is any physical, verbal, emotional, or sexual behaviour:
which causes a person to fear for his or her physical, psychological, or emotional safety and well-being.
which the alleged perpetrator knew or ought to have reasonably known would cause that person to have concern or fear for his or her physical, psychological, or emotional safety and well-being.
Such behaviour may or may not be criminal in nature.
A key factor in some forms of abuse is a power imbalance, for example when the victim is exploited by a person in a position of authority, or where there is a significant age gap or economic asymmetry.
What are the types of abuse?
Physical Abuse: the use or threat of force or power to control, injure or abuse another person. Physical abuse also includes the intentional restriction of movement. Physical abuse does not have to leave a mark or a bruise.
Verbal Abuse: the use of language to manipulate, control, ridicule, insult, humiliate, belittle, vilify, or show disrespect or disdain to another. It may or may not use expletives. It may also be in written form, which includes electronic media. Such abuse includes but may not be limited to bullying, ridiculing, trivializing, harassing, accusing, blaming, denying, insulting, taunting, putting down, discounting, threatening, name-calling, yelling or raging.
Sexual Abuse: any actual or threatened physical intrusion of a sexual nature against an individual, including minors and vulnerable persons, whether by force or under unequal or coercive conditions; any inappropriate, unwanted and/or non-consensual sexual interaction, including rape, sexual assault, sex with a minor, sexual activity with a minor, and the use of a minor for sexual purposes and/or gratification. While most forms of sexual abuse against minors are contact abuse, non-contact sexual abuse of a minor includes sexual exploitation, sexual harassment, unwanted sexual comments, and exposure to sexual acts, including pornography. In the context of this policy, any inappropriate sexual interaction between a cleric, religious, employee or volunteer and an individual, including minors and vulnerable persons, with whom he or she has a ministerial relationship is considered sexual abuse.
Financial Abuse: the misuse of a vulnerable person’s funds or property through fraud, trickery, theft or force. Also, it can be the theft or misuse, for personal or private gain, of church money or property, which are also considered vulnerable entities.
What are the signs of abuse?
While this list is not exhaustive, in general it could apply to any victim of abuse, either a child, adult or any vulnerable person.
Unexplained injuries or injuries at varying stages of healing
Depression or withdrawal from regular activities previously enjoyed
Unusual changes in behaviour
Drastic mood changes
Decline in school or work performance
Self-destructive or risk-taking behaviours
Nervousness around certain people
Sexualized knowledge or behaviour that is outside what is considered age and developmentally appropriate
Poor hygiene
Unsanitary living conditions
Sudden or unexplained changes in banking, wills or financial documents
Unexplained disappearance of funds or valuable possessions
Who is a vulnerable person?
Vulnerable persons include children, youth, the elderly, and all those who for any reason are not able to fully represent themselves or protect themselves from harm, including:
anyone of any age who might easily be exploited by another, including children, youth and some adults.
anyone who is at some disadvantage, unable to fully protect themselves from harm.
anyone who is at risk because of age, disability, handicap or circumstances such as emotional distress due to extreme crisis or trauma or desperate social or material need.
Vulnerability may be caused by anything that limits mature judgment and free activity.
What is a vulnerable entity?
Church money or property are considered vulnerable entities as financial abuse can occur as a result of their intentional misuse or theft for personal or private gain.
Glossary of Terms
The sources for this glossary include the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Protecting Minors from Sexual Abuse: A Call to the Catholic Faithful in Canada for Healing, Reconciliation, and Transformation, among others. It serves as a reference for this policy and has no legal force. Further authoritative sources shall be the Criminal Code of Canada, provincial/territorial statutes, and canon law.
Abuse: any physical, verbal, emotional, or sexual behaviour:
which causes a person to fear for his or her physical, psychological, or emotional safety and well-being;
which the alleged perpetrator knew or ought to have reasonably known would cause that person to have concern or fear for his or her physical, psychological, or emotional safety and well-being. Such behaviour may or may not be criminal in nature. A key factor in some forms of abuse is a power imbalance, for example when the victim is exploited by a person in a position of authority, or where there is a significant age gap or economic asymmetry.
Physical Abuse: The use or threat of force or power to control, injure or abuse another person. Physical abuse also includes the intentional restriction of movement. Physical abuse does not have to leave a mark or a bruise.
Verbal Abuse: The use of language to manipulate, control, ridicule, insult, humiliate, belittle, vilify, or show disrespect or disdain to another. It may or may not use expletives. It may also be in written form, which includes electronic media. Such abuse includes but may not be limited to bullying, ridiculing, trivializing, harassing, accusing, blaming, denying, insulting, taunting, putting down, discounting, threatening, name-calling, yelling or raging.
Sexual Abuse: any actual or threatened physical intrusion of a sexual nature against an individual, including minors and vulnerable persons, whether by force or under unequal or coercive conditions; any inappropriate, unwanted and/or non-consensual sexual interaction, including rape, sexual assault, sex with a minor, sexual activity with a minor, and the use of a minor for sexual purposes and/or gratification. While most forms of sexual abuse against minors are contact abuse, non-contact sexual abuse of a minor includes sexual exploitation, sexual harassment, unwanted sexual comments, and exposure to sexual acts, including pornography. In the context of this policy, any inappropriate sexual interaction between a cleric, religious, employee or volunteer and an individual, including minors and vulnerable persons, with whom he or she has a ministerial relationship is considered sexual abuse.
Financial Abuse: the misuse or theft of Church funds or property. Also includes the misuse of a vulnerable adult’s funds or property through fraud, trickery, theft or force.
Allegation: a complaint, still to be verified, claiming or asserting that someone has committed an act of sexual assault or abuse against an individual
Child: a person under 18 years of age.
Child pornography: according to the Criminal Code of Canada (R.S.C. 1985, c. C-46, s. 163.1), child pornography includes:
a photographic film, video, or other visual representation, whether or not it was made by electronic or mechanical means, of explicit sexual activity with a person who is, or who is depicted as being under the age of 18 years
any written material, visual representation, or audio recording that advocates or counsels sexual activity with a person under the age of 18 years
any written material whose dominant characteristic is the description, for a sexual purpose, of sexual activity with a person under the age of 18 years
any audio recording that has as its dominant characteristic the description, presentation, or representation, for a sexual purpose, of sexual activity with a person under the age of 18 years.
Clergy: all members of ordained ministry: bishops, priests, deacons, and sub-deacons
Delegate: the person named by the eparchial bishop to act on his behalf in relation to a specific issue or case
Eparchy: the term used by the Eastern Catholic Churches to denote ecclesiastical jurisdictions under the leadership of a bishop or an archbishop (also called an eparch or an archeparch)
Event: an occasional or one-time function or activity run by an eparchial office, parish, or other approved organization
Grooming: a method of manipulation used by an offender to build a relationship of trust with a child or vulnerable adult, as well as the adults around the child or vulnerable person, in an effort to gain access to and time alone with her/him in order to abuse the child or vulnerable adult
the offender will use subtle approaches designed to build relationships with families and may use threats and physical force in extreme cases
the offender may assume a caring role, befriend the child or even exploit their position of trust and authority to groom the victim and/or the victim’s family
grooming can include a wide variety of behaviours, such as spending large amounts of time with a victim, affording special privileges or providing gifts, trips and other expressions of special attention
the behaviours can also lead the person to feel indebted to the groomer for all these kindnesses. Once this bond of trust and indebtedness is established, the stage may be set for abuse/sexual abuse
The pattern of a groomer is made up of observable behaviours which must be challenged or reported.
Everyone should be alert to signs of grooming, including Church personnel and those who care for the vulnerable.
Harassment: can be a single severe incident or a persistent pattern of behaviour where the purpose or the effect is to create a hostile, offensive, or intimidating work or pastoral environment. It encompasses a broad range of physical, written, or verbal behaviour, including, without limitation, the following:
physical or mental abuse
racial insults or derogatory ethnic slurs
unwelcomed sexual advances or touching, sexual comments or sexual jokes
requests for sexual favours used as a condition of employment or ministry, or to affect other personnel decisions, such as promotion or compensation
display of offensive materials
defamatory gossip or otherwise maligning an individual to other employees, volunteers, or parishioners except for formally reporting a serious concern to a supervisor or to civil authorities.
inappropriate social media postings
Ministerial relationship: a relationship between a Church employee or volunteer and another person that has been established through the ministry provided on behalf of the Church
Ministry or Program: a structured series of similar activities governed and run by the Slovak Eparchy in Toronto through its offices, parishes, or other approved organizations.
General Risk Ministry (choir member, cantor, greeter, hospitality team, etc.)
Includes those eparchial or parish volunteers or employees who:
do not require close contact with minors or vulnerable adults
are supervised directly or indirectly
perform duties in a strictly public setting
are not involved with parish or eparchial finances
High Risk Ministry (youth leader, parish treasurer, custodian, parish secretary, Extraordinary Eucharistic Minister, Sunday School teacher, all clergy, employees, etc.)
Includes those eparchial or parish volunteers or employees involved who:
work with minors or vulnerable adults
work in an unsupervised setting where ministry, food, transportation or other necessities could be provided to minors and/or vulnerable adults
have access to confidential information
are entrusted with money, and/or parish and eparchial finances
are keyholders and have access to church property
Offender: a person who has committed an act of abuse, sexual or otherwise
Police Information Check (PIC): a process that verifies whether an individual has a criminal record and provides that individual with the detailed information regarding any criminal record that can be legally disclosed. The process may also be called a Police Record Check (PRC) or a Criminal Record Check (CRC), depending on the police jurisdiction. For the purposes of this policy, Police Information Check (PIC) refers to the process, regardless of which police service conducts it.
a Police Information Check (PIC) requested by an eparchial office, parish, or other approved organization within the Slovak Eparchy of Toronto is conducted by the police service to determine if an individual has a criminal record and/or a sexual offence conviction for which they have received a pardon that would exclude them from ministry within the church.
“Clear” Police Information Check indicates that there is no record of criminal convictions in Canada’s National Repository for criminal records
Policy: a course or principle of action, with respect to the safeguarding of pastoral environments, adopted or proposed by an eparchy
Preliminary investigation: The inquiry carried out either directly by the eparchial bishop, or through a delegate, in response to information received concerning an allegation.
Protocol: the official procedure or system of rules governing the manner in which alleged and proven cases of sexual abuse of minors are addressed by Church leadership
Position of trust: a particular role where a Church volunteer or employee in ministry establishes a trusting relationship with individuals because of their authority in that ministry.
Qualified adult: an individual (clergy, employee, volunteer) who has been properly screened for ministry within the Slovak Eparchy of Toronto and who has taken safe environment training
Religious: persons who, by professing the evangelical counsels (poverty, chastity, obedience) through public vows approved by the Church or other sacred bonds approved by the Church, are consecrated to God
Risk Assessment: a process by which programs are rated according to risk factors
Safe Environments Advisory Committee: a group of individuals who investigate all complaints regarding abuse of children, youth and vulnerable adults assigned to it by the bishop or the bishop’s delegate and makes recommendations within an appropriate timeframe to the bishop or appropriate persons regarding actions to be taken, including the temporary suspension of the accused clergy or religious.
Sexual Exploitation: the use of one’s position of power or trust to have sexual contact or attempted sexual contact with another person. Sexual exploitation includes but is not limited to such activity as intercourse, kissing, touching of breasts or genitals, dating during the course of a ministerial relationship, any form of communication indicative of sexual involvement, or demeaning sexual comments. The apparent consent of a possible victim does not determine whether there has been sexual exploitation, because the imbalance of power between the pastoral care giver and the person in a pastoral relationship undermines the validity of an apparent consent.
Screening: a process designed to
create and maintain a safe environment for children, youth and vulnerable persons
foster an appropriate match between the volunteer and a particular ministry
protect volunteers and employees
safeguard limited Church resources
Volunteer: a person who is involved in eparchial or parish ministries or programs but not in a leadership role and not receiving remuneration. Volunteers can include priests, deacons, religious and/or lay persons.
Volunteer Coordinator: a person designated by the eparchial office, parish, or other approved organization, to maintain records of the volunteers involved with ministries and programs and coordinate training requirements of the same volunteers
Volunteer Leader: a person who takes a leadership position with any ministry, including ministries that involve direct interaction with children, youth or vulnerable persons. Example positions include: youth leader, Sunday School Coordinator, Pastoral Council Chair, building maintenance manager, etc.
Victim: refers to a person who has suffered abuse.
Vulnerable adult: A person defined as an adult by secular statutes, but who lacks an adult mental capacity or who, by reason of advanced age, physical illness, mental disorder, or disability might be unable to protect himself or herself from significant harm or exploitation. Therefore, an adult who habitually lacks the use of reason is considered incapable of personal responsibility and is to be considered equivalent to a minor according to canon law and for the purposes of this document
Vulnerable Persons:
anyone of any age who might easily be exploited by another, including children, youth and some adults
anyone who is at some disadvantage, unable to fully protect themselves from harm
anyone who is at risk because of age, disability, handicap or circumstances such as emotional distress due to extreme crisis or trauma or desperate social or material need
vulnerability may be caused by anything that limits mature judgment and free activity
Vulnerable Sector Check (VSC): a process that verifies whether an individual has a criminal record, as well as any record suspensions (formerly pardons) for sexual offences and local police records for information relevant to the check. A Vulnerable Sector Police Information Check (VSC) includes a check of local police records to determine the existence of a pattern of behaviour that may result in harm to vulnerable persons, including minors.
a VSC is required for high risk ministry volunteers or employees in a position of trust or authority over children under 18 years of age, and/or with the elderly, the disabled or any vulnerable person
Youth: a person who is under 18 years of age.
Screening and Training
Volunteer and Employee Screening
All parish and eparchial individuals providing ministry, including all clergy, religious, seminarians, laity, employees and volunteers, will undergo Volunteer and Employee Screening according to eparchial procedures to determine their suitability for ministry and/or employment. This is to ensure current and new volunteers and employees meet set standards and to ensure that ministries, programs and activities are managed in a safe and professional way.
Screening checks (PIC and VSC) include information that is available to police services at the time the check is being processed. There is no guarantee that the information will still be accurate and complete within a few months, weeks, or even days. For this reason, applicants may be asked to repeat the process when seeking new positions or when seeking a move to existing positions that they do not currently hold.
Safe Environment Training
All parish and eparchial individuals providing ministry, including all clergy, religious, seminarians, laity, employees and volunteers, will undergo Safe Environment Training as required by their ministry and/or employment.
Safe Environment Training teaches us how to identify abuse, not only in our Church, but also in our families and communities, and sets standards of appropriate behaviour within the Church so that inappropriate behaviour is easily noticeable and can be addressed immediately. It also teaches us when and how to report abuse to church and civil authorities.
For Volunteers
The Slovak Eparchy of Toronto recognizes the great value of all its volunteers. In the context of providing a safe church environment for all, it is necessary to have certain policies in place, not only to determine the suitability of the volunteer for ministry, but also to equip that volunteer with the appropriate training to work with vulnerable persons and to raise awareness of abuse prevention within the Church and beyond.
There are two types of ministries within the Church: general risk and high risk. It is the nature of the ministry and the inherent risk factor for abuse that determine the procedures required for screening, not the character of the volunteer. For example, a volunteer who is alone with a vulnerable person necessitates a more thorough screening procedure than a volunteer who participates in a group setting.
General Risk Ministry
Altar Server, Baptismal Preparation Team, Bible Study Coordinator, Choir Director, Family Life Committee Coordinator, Hospitality Coordinator, Greeter/Usher, Marriage Preparation Facilitator, Prayer Group Coordinator, etc.
Working Together for Safe Environments
Employee/Volunteer Information Form (Adults)
The Slovak Eparchy of Toronto is dedicated to providing safe pastoral environments. It is the policy of the Eparchy to screen all eparchial and parish employee/volunteer ministry positions.
Name: _______________________________________________________________
Address: ______________________________________________________________
City: _____________________________ Province: ____________________________
Postal code: _______________________ Home Phone: ________________________
Work Place: ________________________ Work Phone: ________________________
E-Mail: ________________________________________________________________
Emergency Contact:
Phone: (Home) _______________________ (Other) ___________________________
Relationship to employee/volunteer: _________________________________________
Parish Name: __________________________________________________________
Ministry Position(s):______________________________________________________
Have you held a volunteer/employment position with another organization/parish before? ❑ Yes ❑ No
If Yes, describe: ________________________________________________________
Do you belong to a parish within the Slovak Eparchy of Toronto?
If yes, which one and for how long have you been a part of the parish community? ______________________________________________________________________
Ministry/employment position(s) for which you are applying or are currently involved in: ______________________________________________________________________
If this position is not available, would you consider a different ministry? ❑ Yes ❑ No
If yes, which other ministries might interest you? _______________________________
I certify that the information provided on this Employee/Volunteer Information Form is true and complete. I understand that this information will remain confidential and is property of the Parish/Pastoral Centre. As well, I understand that my name and phone number will be given to the appropriate ministry coordinator/leader so that she/he may contact me.
Signature: _______________________________ Date: ______________________
Working Together for Safe Environments
Employee/Volunteer Information Form (Minors)
The Slovak Eparchy of Toronto is dedicated to providing safe pastoral environments. It is the policy of the Eparchy to screen all eparchial and parish employee/volunteer ministry positions.
Name: _______________________________________________________________
Address: _____________________________________________________________
City: _____________________________ Province: ____________________________
Postal code: _______________________ Home Phone: ________________________
Work Place: _______________________ Cell Phone: __________________________
E-Mail: ______________________________________________________________________
Emergency Contact:
Name: ________________________________________________________________
Phone: (Home) _______________________ (Other) ___________________________
Relationship to employee/volunteer: _________________________________________
Parish Name: __________________________________________________________
Ministry Position(s):______________________________________________________
Have you held a volunteer/employment position with another organization/parish before? ❑ Yes ❑ No
If Yes, describe: ________________________________________________________
Do you belong to a parish within the Slovak Eparchy of Toronto?
If yes, which one and how long have you been a part of the parish community? ______________________________________________________________________
Ministry/employment position(s) for which you are applying or are currently involved in: ______________________________________________________________________
If this position is not available, would you consider a different ministry? ❑ Yes ❑ No
If yes, which other ministries might interest you? _______________________________
I certify that the information provided on this Employee/Volunteer Information Form is true and complete. I understand that this information will remain confidential and is property of the Parish/Pastoral Centre. As well, I understand that my name and phone number will be given to the appropriate ministry coordinator/leader so that she/he may contact me.
Signature: _______________________________ Date: _______________________
I give permission for _______________________________ to volunteer/work at _______________________________ and I take responsibility for him/her. I understand that he/she is to participate as an employee/volunteer and will be expected to comply with all Safe Environment Policies and be faithful in fulfilling his/her duties. I also understand that if he/she should fail to keep a commitment without giving adequate advance notice, his/her participation or employment may be re-evaluated.
Name: _______________________ Signature: _______________________________
Email: _______________________________________ Phone: __________________
Relationship to volunteer/employee: ________________ Date: ___________________
*Once signed, this document is to be kept in the volunteer’s/employee’s file in the Pastoral Centre/parish office
Covenant of Care
Slovak Eparchy of Toronto
Safe Environments Policy
Covenant of Care
The Slovak Eparchy of Toronto strives to provide a safe pastoral environment for everyone, including children, youth and vulnerable adults, as well as for those who minister on behalf of the Church.
▪ I understand that my actions in ministering to and serving the faithful in the Slovak Eparchy of Toronto are to be consistent with the teachings of the Catholic Church and exercised in a pastoral manner.
▪ I promise that all of my ministerial relationships, especially those with children, youth, and vulnerable adults, will be appropriate and in accordance with my ministry.
▪ I promise to conduct my ministry within the parameters of the Slovak Eparchy of Toronto Safe Environment Policy, and I promise to adhere to all of its procedures.
▪ I promise to adhere to the Slovak Eparchy of Toronto Code of Pastoral Conduct and Electronic Communications and Technology Policy.
▪ I promise to respect confidentiality and privacy, unless a child, youth or vulnerable person is in danger, then I will report to the proper authorities, including child protective services and/or the police.
▪ I understand that any type of abuse will not be tolerated. I understand that any allegation of abuse made against me will result in my immediate removal from the ministry or program and, subject to the results of an investigation in accordance with eparchial protocols, that it many end my ministerial relationship with the Church.
▪ I will consult with my director, pastor, or volunteer leader should I require further clarification concerning my ministry or service.
I have read this Covenant of Care and commit to it in my desire to serve in the Church and build up the Kingdom of God.
________________________ __________________________ _______________
Name of Cleric/Employee/Volunteer Signature of Cleric/Employee/Volunteer Date (day/month/year)
________________ _______________________ __________________
Name of Witness Signature of Witness Date (day/month/year)
__________________________________ _______________________________
Name of Parish Ministry Position
*Once signed, this document is kept in the cleric’s/employee’s/volunteer’s file in the Pastoral Centre/ministry/parish office
Code of Pastoral Conduct
Policy Statement
Those who minister as clergy, employees and volunteers on behalf of the Slovak Eparchy of Toronto must conduct themselves in a manner that upholds Christian values and behaviour.
Intent of Policy
To provide clear standards of behaviour for those who minister in the Church in order to create safe and respectful Church communities and responsible, healthy ministerial relationships.
General Expectations
1. All clergy, employees and volunteers will confirm in writing their adherence to this Code of Pastoral Conduct by signing the Slovak Eparchy in Toronto Covenant of Care.
2. All clergy, employees and volunteers are responsible to maintain their own personal, spiritual, physical and psychological health and are expected to maintain good hygiene, proper appearance and wear clean, modest and appropriate clothing.
3. Clergy, employees and volunteers assume the full burden of responsibility for adherence to the Code of Pastoral Conduct and for establishing and maintaining clear, appropriate and respectful physical, emotional and social boundaries in all ministerial relationships and situations, especially those involving minors and vulnerable adults.
4. All clergy, employees and volunteers are expected to provide ministry that is free of physical, sexual, psychological, verbal, written or electronic harassment, misconduct or abuse, including bullying, grooming or any other exploitative behaviours inappropriate to the ministerial relationship.
5. Clergy, employees and volunteers must not:
a) use alcohol and/or cannabis when in active ministry and/or working with youth or vulnerable adults
b) possess or use illegal drugs at any time
c) possess or distribute child pornography
6. All clergy, staff and volunteers in a position of trust or who are involved in a ministerial relationship where ministry is conducted via any form of electronic communication will also govern themselves in compliance with the Slovak Eparchy of Toronto Electronic Communication and Technology Policy.
7. Physical Boundaries
a) Appropriate physical contact includes, but are not limited to:
• Shoulder to shoulder hugs, pats on the shoulder or back
• Handshakes, high fives/hard fives
• Verbal praise
• Holding hands while walking with small children or during prayer
• Pats on the head when culturally appropriate.
b) Inappropriate/prohibited forms of physical contact include, but are not limited to:
• Kisses on the mouth, lengthy/inappropriate embraces
• Holding minors on one’s lap
• Touching a person’s private parts, knees or thighs as a sign of affection
• Showing physical displays of affection in isolated areas
• Sleeping in the same bed as a minor/vulnerable person
• Wrestling with, tickling or giving massages or piggyback rides to a minor
• Any display of unwanted affection
• Compliments relating to sexual attractiveness or sexual development P4
Minors and Vulnerable Adults
8. Two qualified adults who have been screened and trained for ministry within the Slovak Eparchy of Toronto must be present for all Church sponsored activities, programs, transport and/or pastoral care outreach that involve minors or vulnerable adults. The two qualified adults must not be related. However, qualified adults who are related may minister together in this regard as long as there are other qualified adults present.
9. When ministering to minors or vulnerable adults, the following must be observed:
a) programs, activities and ministry must occur in appropriate areas of Church property that are open to public view
b) two qualified adults always must be present
c) windows in doors should never be covered and/or doors should be left open during the Sacrament of Confession - the confessor and penitent must be clearly visible, as through clear glass in confessional doors, or as in open areas, such as in front of the iconostasis
d) in all cases, the supervision must be reasonably adequate to ensure the safety and well-being of the minors and/or vulnerable persons present
10. Clergy, employees and volunteers should avoid being alone with a minor or vulnerable adult in a private residence, sleeping facility, locker room, rest room, dressing facility, or other closed room or area that is inappropriate to a ministerial relationship.
11. Off-site or overnight activities with minors must be solely for the purposes of an organized group program and held in a public area, with at least two qualified adults and for which parents have given written permission on the Parent Consent Form.
12. Clergy, employees and volunteers must sleep in separate areas from minors or vulnerable adults on over-night activities. Church personnel are not to share private overnight accommodations with individual minors or vulnerable adults.
13. In cases where minors or vulnerable persons may be in a state of undress, such as in a dorm room or bathroom, two qualified adults must be present to supervise. Access to such places is limited to those who are authorized for ministry. Other staff members, volunteers and parents are not permitted to enter these areas while in they are in active use. Under no circumstances is anyone allowed to take a photo or video in areas where minors or adults may be changing clothes.
14. No clergy, employee or volunteer is permitted to take personal trips or vacations with a minor or vulnerable adult whose relationship has been established through a Church ministry.
15. Clergy, employees and volunteers should not help children with toileting or diapering. Girls and boys must not change together, and adults must change separately from minors.
16. Clergy, employees and volunteers shall not engage in corporal punishment of minors or vulnerable adults in their care.
17. Clergy, employees and volunteers will not dispense medications to minors without written consent from a parent or legal guardian.
18. All allegations of harassment, misconduct or abuse (i.e., sexual abuse, grooming, bullying, etc.) must be taken seriously and reported to the appropriate person in charge (i.e., pastor or program administrator) who will then report it to the Pastoral Centre.
19. Those who learn information indicating clear and imminent danger to a minor or vulnerable adult, including the sexual, physical, emotional abuse or neglect of a minor, must take the allegations seriously and report first to the proper civil authorities, including the police, as required by the Child, Youth and Family Enhancement Act, as well as to the appropriate person in charge (i.e., pastor or program administrator) who will then report it to the Pastoral Centre. P6
20. All clergy, employees and volunteers must report their own ethical or professional misconduct and the misconduct of others to their immediate supervisor.
Electronic Communication and Technology Policy
Policy Statement
Electronic communication and the use of technology within the Church and its ministry is an effective means of evangelization. Clergy, employees and volunteers who minister on behalf of the Slovak Eparchy of Toronto and its parishes must use electronic communication and technology, including, but not limited to, organizational websites, blogs, email, text messages, social networking accounts, pages, and other platforms, in a manner that upholds Christian values and behaviour.
Intent of Policy
To provide clear standards for the use of electronic communication, technology and social media platforms by clergy, employees and volunteers as it pertains to their ministry within the Church.
General Expectations
1. All clergy, employees and volunteers will confirm in writing their adherence to this Electronic Communication and Technology Policy by signing the Covenant of Care.
2. Clergy, employees and volunteers assume the full burden of responsibility for adherence to the Electronic Communication and Technology Policy.
3. Parish and eparchial websites, blogs and social media accounts:
a) must be administered through the parish or eparchy
b) must be regularly monitored by the pastor or eparchial director and/or administrators
c) must be used exclusively for Church ministry
d) must reflect the teachings of the Catholic Church
e) must be protected by a password, known and held in confidence by at least two qualified adults who are appointed as administrators by the pastor or eparchial director, as well as the pastor or eparchial director
f) must honour copyright and license agreements - music, videos and photos may only be used with permission of the original source.
g) must not be used for conducting outside/personal business
h) must not be linked to a personal account
i) must not be used for socializing, counseling minors or vulnerable persons, prolonged conversations or any interactions of a personal nature.
j) must not be of a political nature that supports or opposes a candidate or political party in Canada or abroad. Such material is not permitted on any parish or eparchial website, blog, or social media account.
4. Electronic communication
a) Parish and eparchial staff involved in ministry must use a parish or eparchial based email account.
b) Clergy, employees, and volunteers must observe the following when using a computer, the internet, any electronic device, or email accounts provided by the Church:
i. Respect the privacy of others
ii. Safeguard user IDs and passwords
iii. Scan for viruses when downloading files from the internet
iv. Never attempt to bypass, block, or remove filtering software
v. Protect confidential information from unauthorized use or disclosure
vi. Never post, share or email material that is inappropriate to their ministry
vii. Never use these devices, accounts or the internet for inappropriate/illegal purposes
c) Clergy, employees and volunteers who use their personal cell phones and other devices and/or accounts for electronic communication for their work in the Church must do so in a manner that is befitting their professional role in ministry.
5. Oversight
a) The Eparchy reserves the right to review, monitor, track and analyze (with or without notice) electronic communications of clergy, employees, and volunteers which have been generated by parish or eparchial accounts or that have been sent using equipment or devices provided by or belonging to the Eparchy or its parishes, especially where there are reasonable grounds that eparchial policy may be in violation.
b) All inappropriate electronic communication must be made known to the immediate supervisor and/or proper authorities.
6. Parish lists and parishioner contact information must not be published or posted online.
7. Financial contributions may be acknowledged publicly with the permission of the donor.
8. Emails sent to ministry group participants must not disclose recipients’ contact information without permission. In most cases, the blind carbon copy (bcc) function should be used when sending emails to more than one individual to protect individuals’ privacy.
9. A statement authorizing the use of photos and videos of ministry participants on ministry social media platforms must be included in every parish or eparchial activity registration or permission form.
10. Signs must be clearly posted at each entryway, alerting individuals that church services or events are recorded or live streamed.
Minors/Vulnerable Adults
11. Clergy, employees and volunteers must obtain written consent of a parent/guardian:
a) before posting the personal information, including photos and/or videos, of a minor or vulnerable person on any social media platform
b) before sharing the contact information of minors/vulnerable adults with others
c) before they can communicate with minors/vulnerable persons through telephone, cell phone, text messaging, email, social networks, or other electronic means
d) prior to a minor’s or vulnerable adult’s participation on a parish or eparchial social networking site
e) in order to initiate/accept “friend/follow” requests of minors on a parish or eparchial social networking site
12. Clergy, employees and volunteers must not initiate “friend/follow” requests with minors from their personal accounts.
13. Parents must be given access to all communications between their children and clergy, employees or volunteers if requested.
14. Two qualified adults must be present for all live chat or video conferencing involving minors or vulnerable adults.
15. Every one-on-one electronic correspondence between an adult and a minor will have a second adult present and/or electronically copied.
16. Electronic communication between an adult and a minor/vulnerable person should not be used to address/discuss confidential matters.
17. Minors should not be given access to the private or personal postings or emails of an adult (clergy, employee or volunteer).
18. All interactions between clergy, employees and volunteers and minors/vulnerable adults should reflect the ministerial role of the person in ministry.
Safe Environment Training (recommended)
High-Risk Ministry
Altar Server Coordinator, Bereavement Team Member, Children’s Catechist, Children’s Initiation Team, Children’s Choir Director, Collection Counting Team, Custodian/Building Maintenance Person, Extraordinary Eucharistic Minister, Keyholder, Lay Pastoral Visitor, Lector, Parish Pastoral Council Member (including Finance Council member), Parish Volunteer Screening Coordinator and Committee Member, Sacramental Preparation Team Member, Sunday School Coordinator/Teacher, Youth Director/Minister, etc.
Safe Environment Policy
High Risk Ministry Reference List and PIC Consent
Please provide three references who can describe your suitability for this employment/ministry (for example, friends, neighbours, other parishioners, work associates, etc.). Please remember to notify these people that the parish will be contacting them.
Name: ____________________________ Relationship to applicant: _______________
Address: _______________________________ City: __________________________
Postal Code: ______________ Phone Number: _______________________________ Email:_________________________________________________________________
Name: ____________________________ Relationship to applicant: _______________
Address: _______________________________ City: __________________________ Postal Code: ______________ Phone Number: _______________________________ Email:_________________________________________________________________
Name: ___________________________ Relationship to applicant: _______________
Address: _______________________________ City: __________________________
Postal Code: ______________ Phone Number: _______________________________ Email:_________________________________________________________________
I, __________________________________________, authorize the Parish Volunteer
(name of applicant)
Screening Committee of _________________________________________ or the
(name of parish)
Slovak Eparchy of Toronto to contact the references listed on this form, in order to collect the information that is appropriate to the position. I understand that the information obtained will be confidential.
Signature: ____________________________ Date: ____________________________
Police Information Check and Vulnerable Sector Check
I agree provide a Police Information Check (and Vulnerable Sector Check if required) before I can participate in any high risk ministry position within or be employed by the Slovak Eparchy of Toronto. I understand that only the Pastor or the Safe Environments Coordinator reviews this information.
Signature: ____________________________ Date: ____________________________
Please check that the following have been received, read and signed where applicable:
❑ The Ministry Position Description for the position for which I am ministering.
❑ The Covenant of Care, Electronic Communication and Technology Policy, and Code of Ethics and Accountability
❑ The contact information of my Ministry Coordinator/ Supervisor.
I am aware of the responsibilities and the limits of this ministry position and agree to meet them. I understand that I represent the Slovak Eparchy of Toronto as an employee or volunteer only when I am functioning as described in the Ministry Position Description. I agree to keep confidential any information that I may come across regarding the affairs of the Slovak Eparchy of Toronto, this parish, its clergy, other volunteers, and parishioners, unless otherwise directed by law or by authorities from the Slovak Eparchy of Toronto.
Signature: ___________________________________ Date: _____________________
Parish Volunteer Screening Committee/Safe Environment Coordinator
Name: ________________________________________________________________
Signature: ____________________________________ Date: ____________________
Working Together for Safe Environments
Employee/Volunteer Information Form (Adults)
The Slovak Eparchy of Toronto is dedicated to providing safe pastoral environments. It is the policy of the Eparchy to screen all eparchial and parish employee/volunteer ministry positions.
Name: ________________________________________________________________
Address: ______________________________________________________________
City: _____________________________ Province: ____________________________
Postal code: _______________________ Home Phone: ________________________
Work Place: ________________________ Work Phone: ________________________
E-Mail: ________________________________________________________________
Emergency Contact:
Name: ________________________________________________________________
Phone: (Home) _______________________ (Other) ___________________________
Relationship to employee/volunteer: _________________________________________
Parish Name: __________________________________________________________
Ministry Position(s):______________________________________________________
Have you held a volunteer/employment position with another organization/parish before? ❑ Yes ❑ No
If Yes, describe: ________________________________________________________
Do you belong to a parish within the Slovak Eparchy of Toronto?
If yes, which one and for how long have you been a part of the parish community? _____________________________________________________________________
Ministry/employment position(s) for which you are applying or are currently involved in: ______________________________________________________________________
If this position is not available, would you consider a different ministry? ❑ Yes ❑ No
If yes, which other ministries might interest you? _______________________________
I certify that the information provided on this Employee/Volunteer Information Form is true and complete. I understand that this information will remain confidential and is property of the Parish/Pastoral Centre. As well, I understand that my name and phone number will be given to the appropriate ministry coordinator/leader so that she/he may contact me.
Signature: _______________________________ Date: ______________________
Working Together for Safe Environments
Employee/Volunteer Information Form (Minors)
The Slovak Eparchy of Toronto is dedicated to providing safe pastoral environments. It is the policy of the Eparchy to screen all eparchial and parish employee/volunteer ministry positions.
Name: ______________________________________________________________________
Address: ______________________________________________________________
City: _____________________________ Province: ____________________________
Postal code: _______________________ Home Phone: ________________________
Work Place: _______________________ Cell Phone: __________________________
E-Mail: ______________________________________________________________________
Emergency Contact:
Name: ________________________________________________________________
Phone: (Home) _______________________ (Other) ___________________________
Relationship to employee/volunteer: _________________________________________
Parish Name: __________________________________________________________
Ministry Position(s):______________________________________________________
Have you held a volunteer/employment position with another organization/parish before? ❑ Yes ❑ No If Yes, describe__________________________________
Do you belong to a parish within the Slovak Eparchy of Toronto? If yes, which
one and how long have you been a part of the parish community?
Ministry/employment position(s) for which you are applying or are currently involved in: ______________________________________________________________________
If this position is not available, would you consider a different ministry? ❑ Yes ❑ No
If yes, which other ministries might interest you? _______________________________
I certify that the information provided on this Employee/Volunteer Information Form is true and complete. I understand that this information will remain confidential and is property of the Parish/Pastoral Centre. As well, I understand that my name and phone number will be given to the appropriate ministry coordinator/leader so that she/he may contact me.
Signature: _______________________________ Date: _______________________
I give permission for __________________________________ to volunteer/work at _______________________________ and I take responsibility for him/her. I understand that he/she is to participate as an employee/volunteer and will be expected to comply with all Safe Environment Policies and be faithful in fulfilling his/her duties. I also understand that if he/she should fail to keep a commitment without giving adequate advance notice, his/her participation or employment may be re-evaluated.
Name: ________________________ Signature: ______________________________
Email: _______________________________________ Phone: __________________
Relationship to volunteer/employee: ________________ Date: ___________________
*Once signed, this document is to be kept in the volunteer’s/employee’s file in the Pastoral Centre/parish office
Police Information Check and Vulnerable Sector Check or
Annual Attestation Offence Declaration
Slovak Eparchy of Toronto
Safe Environments Policy
Annual Attestation/Offence Declaration Form
I DECLARE, since the last Police Information Check/Vulnerable Sector Check or Annual Attestation Form/Offence Declaration Form submitted to the Slovak Eparchy of Toronto, that:
❑ I have had no convictions under the Criminal Code of Canada up to and including the date of this declaration for which a pardon has not been issued or granted under the Criminal Records Act (Canada).
❑ I have had no pardons under the Criminal Records Act (Canada) related to sexually based offences up to and including the date of this declaration.
❑ I have no charges pending under the Criminal Code of Canada up to and including the date of this declaration.
❑ I have not been the subject of any criminal investigation or allegation, any child welfare investigation or allegation, nor have I had any charges brought against me, even if the charges are pending.
❑ My driver’s license has not been suspended or restricted for any reason.
Please check the appropriate line:
❑ There have been no occurrences as described above since my last Police Information Check or Offence Declaration Form.
❑ All reportable matters as described above were discussed with the Slovak Eparchy of Toronto.
I hereby attest that the information disclosed herein is true, complete and accurate to the best of my knowledge and belief. I understand that failure to complete an accurate and truthful Offence Declaration will lead to a review of my continued service/ministry with the Slovak Eparchy of Toronto. I also understand that, should I have a criminal record, I cannot continue my involvement with the Slovak Eparchy of Toronto until I have obtained a copy of my record and have forwarded it to the Pastoral Centre.
Name (Please print): ___________________________ Date: ____________________
Signature: _____________________Witness: _________________________________
*Once signed, this document is to be kept in the employee’s file in the Pastoral Centre/parish office.
Safe Environment Training (required)
Covenant of Care
Slovak Eparchy of Toronto
Safe Environments Policy
Covenant of Care
The Slovak Eparchy in Toronto strives to provide a safe pastoral environment for everyone, including children, youth and vulnerable adults, as well as for those who minister on behalf of the Church.
▪ I understand that my actions in ministering to and serving the faithful in the Slovak Eparchy of Toronto are to be consistent with the teachings of the Catholic Church and exercised in a pastoral manner.
▪ I promise that all of my ministerial relationships, especially those with children, youth, and vulnerable adults, will be appropriate and in accordance with my ministry.
▪ I promise to conduct my ministry within the parameters of the Slovak Eparchy of Toronto Safe Environment Policy, and I promise to adhere to all of its procedures.
▪ I promise to adhere to the Slovak Eparchy of Toronto Code of Pastoral Conduct and Electronic Communications and Technology Policy.
▪ I promise to respect confidentiality and privacy, unless a child, youth or vulnerable person is in danger, then I will report to the proper authorities, including child protective services and/or the police.
▪ I understand that any type of abuse will not be tolerated. I understand that any allegation of abuse made against me will result in my immediate removal from the ministry or program and, subject to the results of an investigation in accordance with eparchial protocols, that it many end my ministerial relationship with the Church.
▪ I will consult with my director, pastor, or volunteer leader should I require further clarification concerning my ministry or service.
I have read this Covenant of Care and commit to it in my desire to serve in the Church and build up the Kingdom of God.
________________________ _______________________ _______________
Name of Cleric/Employee/Volunteer Signature of Cleric/Employee/Volunteer Date (day/month/year)
________________________ _____________________ _______________
Name of Witness Signature of Witness Date (day/month/year)
_______________________________ _________________________________
Name of Parish Ministry Position
*Once signed, this document is kept in the cleric’s/employee’s/volunteer’s file in the Pastoral Centre/ministry/parish office
Code of Pastoral Conduct
Policy Statement
Those who minister as clergy, employees and volunteers on behalf of the Slovak Eparchy of Toronto must conduct themselves in a manner that upholds Christian values and behaviour.
Intent of Policy
To provide clear standards of behaviour for those who minister in the Church in order to create safe and respectful Church communities and responsible, healthy ministerial relationships.
General Expectations
1. All clergy, employees and volunteers will confirm in writing their adherence to this Code of Pastoral Conduct by signing the Slovak Eparchy of Toronto Covenant of Care.
2. All clergy, employees and volunteers are responsible to maintain their own personal, spiritual, physical and psychological health and are expected to maintain good hygiene, proper appearance and wear clean, modest and appropriate clothing.
3. Clergy, employees and volunteers assume the full burden of responsibility for adherence to the Code of Pastoral Conduct and for establishing and maintaining clear, appropriate and respectful physical, emotional and social boundaries in all ministerial relationships and situations, especially those involving minors and vulnerable adults.
4. All clergy, employees and volunteers are expected to provide ministry that is free of physical, sexual, psychological, verbal, written or electronic harassment, misconduct or abuse, including bullying, grooming or any other exploitative behaviours inappropriate to the ministerial relationship.
5. Clergy, employees and volunteers must not:
a) use alcohol and/or cannabis when in active ministry and/or working with youth or vulnerable adults
b) possess or use illegal drugs at any time
c) possess or distribute child pornography
6. All clergy, staff and volunteers in a position of trust or who are involved in a ministerial relationship where ministry is conducted via any form of electronic communication will also govern themselves in compliance with the Slovak Eparchy of Toronto Electronic Communication and Technology Policy.
7. Physical Boundaries
a) Appropriate physical contact includes, but are not limited to:
• Shoulder to shoulder hugs, pats on the shoulder or back
• Handshakes, high fives/hard fives
• Verbal praise
• Holding hands while walking with small children or during prayer
• Pats on the head when culturally appropriate.
b) Inappropriate/prohibited forms of physical contact include, but are not limited to:
• Kisses on the mouth, lengthy/inappropriate embraces
• Holding minors on one’s lap
• Touching a person’s private parts, knees or thighs as a sign of affection
• Showing physical displays of affection in isolated areas
• Sleeping in the same bed as a minor/vulnerable person
• Wrestling with, tickling or giving massages or piggyback rides to a minor
• Any display of unwanted affection
• Compliments relating to sexual attractiveness or sexual development P4
Minors and Vulnerable Adults
8. Two qualified adults who have been screened and trained for ministry within the Slovak Eparchy in Toronto must be present for all Church sponsored activities, programs, transport and/or pastoral care outreach that involve minors or vulnerable adults. The two qualified adults must not be related. However, qualified adults who are related may minister together in this regard as long as there are other qualified adults present.
9. When ministering to minors or vulnerable adults, the following must be observed:
a) programs, activities and ministry must occur in appropriate areas of Church property that are open to public view
b) two qualified adults always must be present
c) windows in doors should never be covered and/or doors should be left open during the Sacrament of Confession - the confessor and penitent must be clearly visible, as through clear glass in confessional doors, or as in open areas, such as in front of the iconostasis
d) in all cases, the supervision must be reasonably adequate to ensure the safety and well-being of the minors and/or vulnerable persons present
10. Clergy, employees and volunteers should avoid being alone with a minor or vulnerable adult in a private residence, sleeping facility, locker room, rest room, dressing facility, or other closed room or area that is inappropriate to a ministerial relationship.
11. Off-site or overnight activities with minors must be solely for the purposes of an organized group program and held in a public area, with at least two qualified adults and for which parents have given written permission on the Parent Consent Form.
12. Clergy, employees and volunteers must sleep in separate areas from minors or vulnerable adults on over-night activities. Church personnel are not to share private overnight accommodations with individual minors or vulnerable adults.
13. In cases where minors or vulnerable persons may be in a state of undress, such as in a dorm room or bathroom, two qualified adults must be present to supervise. Access to such places is limited to those who are authorized for ministry. Other staff members, volunteers and parents are not permitted to enter these areas while in they are in active use. Under no circumstances is anyone allowed to take a photo or video in areas where minors or adults may be changing clothes.
14. No clergy, employee or volunteer is permitted to take personal trips or vacations with a minor or vulnerable adult whose relationship has been established through a Church ministry.
15. Clergy, employees and volunteers should not help children with toileting or diapering. Girls and boys must not change together, and adults must change separately from minors.
16. Clergy, employees and volunteers shall not engage in corporal punishment of minors or vulnerable adults in their care.
17. Clergy, employees and volunteers will not dispense medications to minors without written consent from a parent or legal guardian.
18. All allegations of harassment, misconduct or abuse (i.e., sexual abuse, grooming, bullying, etc.) must be taken seriously and reported to the appropriate person in charge (i.e., pastor or program administrator) who will then report it to the Pastoral Centre.
19. Those who learn information indicating clear and imminent danger to a minor or vulnerable adult, including the sexual, physical, emotional abuse or neglect of a minor, must take the allegations seriously and report first to the proper civil authorities, including the police, as required by the Child, Youth and Family Enhancement Act, as well as to the appropriate person in charge (i.e., pastor or program administrator) who will then report it to the Pastoral Centre. P6
20. All clergy, employees and volunteers must report their own ethical or professional misconduct and the misconduct of others to their immediate supervisor.
Electronic Communication and Technology Policy
Policy Statement
Electronic communication and the use of technology within the Church and its ministry is an effective means of evangelization. Clergy, employees and volunteers who minister on behalf of the Slovak Eparchy of Toronto and its parishes must use electronic communication and technology, including, but not limited to, organizational websites, blogs, email, text messages, social networking accounts, pages, and other platforms, in a manner that upholds Christian values and behaviour.
Intent of Policy
To provide clear standards for the use of electronic communication, technology and social media platforms by clergy, employees and volunteers as it pertains to their ministry within the Church.
General Expectations
1. All clergy, employees and volunteers will confirm in writing their adherence to this Electronic Communication and Technology Policy by signing the Covenant of Care.
2. Clergy, employees and volunteers assume the full burden of responsibility for adherence to the Electronic Communication and Technology Policy.
3. Parish and eparchial websites, blogs and social media accounts:
a) must be administered through the parish or eparchy
b) must be regularly monitored by the pastor or eparchial director and/or administrators
c) must be used exclusively for Church ministry
d) must reflect the teachings of the Catholic Church
e) must be protected by a password, known and held in confidence by at least two qualified adults who are appointed as administrators by the pastor or eparchial director, as well as the pastor or eparchial director
f) must honour copyright and license agreements - music, videos and photos may only be used with permission of the original source.
g) must not be used for conducting outside/personal business
h) must not be linked to a personal account
i) must not be used for socializing, counseling minors or vulnerable persons, prolonged conversations or any interactions of a personal nature.
j) must not be of a political nature that supports or opposes a candidate or political party in Canada or abroad. Such material is not permitted on any parish or eparchial website, blog, or social media account.
4. Electronic communication
a) Parish and eparchial staff involved in ministry must use a parish or eparchial based email account.
b) Clergy, employees, and volunteers must observe the following when using a computer, the internet, any electronic device, or email accounts provided by the Church:
i. Respect the privacy of others
ii. Safeguard user IDs and passwords
iii. Scan for viruses when downloading files from the internet
iv. Never attempt to bypass, block, or remove filtering software
v. Protect confidential information from unauthorized use or disclosure
vi. Never post, share or email material that is inappropriate to their ministry
vii. Never use these devices, accounts or the internet for inappropriate/illegal purposes
c) Clergy, employees and volunteers who use their personal cell phones and other devices and/or accounts for electronic communication for their work in the Church must do so in a manner that is befitting their professional role in ministry.
5. Oversight
a) The Eparchy reserves the right to review, monitor, track and analyze (with or without notice) electronic communications of clergy, employees, and volunteers which have been generated by parish or eparchial accounts or that have been sent using equipment or devices provided by or belonging to the Eparchy or its parishes, especially where there are reasonable grounds that eparchial policy may be in violation.
b) All inappropriate electronic communication must be made known to the immediate supervisor and/or proper authorities.
6. Parish lists and parishioner contact information must not be published or posted online.
7. Financial contributions may be acknowledged publicly with the permission of the donor.
8. Emails sent to ministry group participants must not disclose recipients’ contact information without permission. In most cases, the blind carbon copy (bcc) function should be used when sending emails to more than one individual to protect individuals’ privacy.
9. A statement authorizing the use of photos and videos of ministry participants on ministry social media platforms must be included in every parish or eparchial activity registration or permission form.
10. Signs must be clearly posted at each entryway, alerting individuals that church services or events are recorded or live streamed.
Minors/Vulnerable Adults
11. Clergy, employees and volunteers must obtain written consent of a parent/guardian:
a) before posting the personal information, including photos and/or videos, of a minor or vulnerable person on any social media platform
b) before sharing the contact information of minors/vulnerable adults with others
c) before they can communicate with minors/vulnerable persons through telephone, cell phone, text messaging, email, social networks, or other electronic means
d) prior to a minor’s or vulnerable adult’s participation on a parish or eparchial social networking site
e) in order to initiate/accept “friend/follow” requests of minors on a parish or eparchial social networking site
12. Clergy, employees and volunteers must not initiate “friend/follow” requests with minors from their personal accounts.
13. Parents must be given access to all communications between their children and clergy, employees or volunteers if requested.
14. Two qualified adults must be present for all live chat or video conferencing involving minors or vulnerable adults.
15. Every one-on-one electronic correspondence between an adult and a minor will have a second adult present and/or electronically copied.
16. Electronic communication between an adult and a minor/vulnerable person should not be used to address/discuss confidential matters.
17. Minors should not be given access to the private or personal postings or emails of an adult (clergy, employee or volunteer).
18. All interactions between clergy, employees and volunteers and minors/vulnerable adults should reflect the ministerial role of the person in ministry.
For Parishes
Every parish must commit to the implementation of all Safe Environment Policies within their parish and all of its particular ministries, including:
a) Volunteer Screening Coordinator
Each parish must appoint a Volunteer Screening Coordinator to assist the pastor and pastoral council in implementing all Safe Environment Policies, including the screening and training of volunteers and staff as required in their particular parish, as well as the maintenance of all records and the tracking of all screening and training requirements for all parish employees and volunteers.
b) Identify Ministry Positions
Each parish must identify and put into writing all employee and volunteer ministerial positions which are required for the day-to-day activity of the parish.
i) Doing so sends the message that the Slovak Eparchy of Toronto is serious about screening.
ii) This clearly states responsibilities and expectations
iii) The screening procedure may change according to the risk assessment when a volunteer changes position
c) Determine the Risk
The nature of the ministry and the inherent risk factor for abuse dictate the need for screening, not the character of the volunteer. (For example, a volunteer who is alone with a vulnerable person necessitates a more thorough screening procedure than a volunteer who participates in a group setting.)
Parish and ministry leaders must examine the potential for abuse in programs or ministries to help prevent or eliminate the risk of abuse by assessing the following:
i) Vulnerability of those served
ii) Nature of the service or position
iii) Context of the service or position
iv) Degree of supervision given or received
General Risk Ministry (altar server, choir member, cantor, greeter, etc.)
Those involved in general risk ministry:
i) do not require close contact with minors or vulnerable adults
ii) are supervised directly or indirectly
iii) perform duties in a strictly public setting
iv) are not involved with parish or eparchial finances
High-Risk Ministry (priest, youth leader, treasurer, custodian, parish secretary, Extraordinary Eucharistic Minister, keyholder, catechist, etc.)
Those involved in high-risk ministry:
i) work with minors or vulnerable adults
ii) work in an unsupervised setting where ministry, food, transportation or other necessities could be provided to minors and/or vulnerable adults
iii) have access to confidential information
iv) are entrusted with money, or parish and eparchial finances
v) are keyholders and have access to church property
d) Recruit Openly
i) Any requests for volunteers/employees should be done publicly.
ii) Parishes must publicly state that screening is part of the recruitment process and that all applicants are carefully screened.
e) Conduct Interviews and Obtain References
i) The pastor and or/parish ministry leader must interview all volunteers and employees about their background, skills, interests, and availability to determine their suitability for ministry in the parish.
ii) All interview notes are to be securely kept with the candidate’s other HR
iii) Parishes must obtain three references for all high-risk ministry volunteers and parish employees by completing the References List/PIC Form.
iv) The pastor and/or parish ministry leader must interview references by using the Reference Check Questionnaire. The Reference Check Questionnaire may be completed in written form by the reference themselves or by the interviewer in conversation with the person giving the reference.
f) Police Information Checks and Vulnerable Sector Information Checks
i) Parishes must obtain a Police Information Check (PIC) from all high-risk ministry volunteers and all parish employees to determine if they have a criminal record that would exclude them from serving in the ministry for which they are being considered.
ii) Parishes must obtain a Vulnerable Sector Police Information Check (VSC) from all volunteers and employees in high-risk ministry who hold a position of trust or authority over minors and vulnerable persons.
iii) Volunteers and employees who have indirect involvement or contact with children or vulnerable persons but with sufficient regularity that a relationship of trust might develop must obtain a VSC in addition to the PIC. For example: a camp cook or camp caretaker are not directly responsible for children at camp, however, they have access to children on an ongoing basis because of the nature of their work at the camp.
iv) If the PIC has identified a criminal conviction, the pastor must speak with the Eparchial Safe Environment Coordinator to determine if the conviction prevents that individual from participation in the ministry for which they are applying.
v) The parish must ensure that all PICs, including VSCs if applicable, are renewed every four years.
vi) The parish may only accept an original PIC/VSC with the police agency A photocopy will not be accepted.
vii) The PIC/VSC must be obtained specifically for that individual’s employment or ministry within the parish or Eparchy. A PIC/VSC obtained at the request of another organization will not be accepted.
viii) Only the pastor may see an individual’s PIC/VSC. Once it is reviewed, the pastor must place it in a sealed envelope and store it in the individual’s HR file.
ix) A PIC/VSC obtained for one parish or ministry within the Eparchy is transferrable to another parish or ministry within the Eparchy, as long as the nature of the ministry is the same and the vulnerable sector served is the same.
x) Someone who moves from general risk to high-risk ministry or employment must provide a PIC, and VSC if working with the vulnerable sector, for their new ministry position.
xi) Payment for the PIC is the responsibility of the eparchial office, parish, camp or other organization requesting the PIC.
g) Annual Attestation
i) The parish will ensure that all high-risk ministry volunteers and all parish employees sign an Annual Attestation, confirming that the clear status of their PIC/VSC has not changed since the time when their clear PIC was last issued.
ii) The parish will ensure the completion of Annual Attestations by all employees and volunteers each September until a new PIC/VSC is required at the end of the fourth year of employment or ministry.
iii) Annual Attestations are to be stored with the individual’s HR file.
h) Covenant of Care
i) Parishes will ensure that all volunteers and employees read and sign a Covenant of Care, thereby committing themselves to follow all eparchial safe environment policies, including the Slovak Eparchy of Toronto Code of Conduct and the Electronic Communication and Technology Policy.
i) Record Keeping
i) Parishes will ensure that all volunteers and employees complete a Volunteer/Employee Information Form.
Volunteer/Employee Information Forms are to be kept in the individual’s human resources (HR) file.
The front page of Volunteer/Employee Information Forms, with the emergency contact information, may be copied and stored in an area that is not public yet is easily accessible in the event of an emergency (for example, in a binder labelled “Emergency Contacts” in the parish office, hall office or sacristy).
ii) All human resources information and documentation pertaining to each employee or volunteer is private.
Parishes must files all HR documentation, including the Volunteer Information Form, References List/PIC Form, Reference Check Questionnaire, PIC, VSC, Annual Attestations, and all other relevant documents according to each individual employee or volunteer and must kept them in a locked cabinet at the parish office. If there is no parish office, these documents are to be held in the pastor’s private office. These documents are not to be held in a parishioner’s home.
Only the pastor and the parish volunteer screening coordinator are to have access to the HR files.
j) Conduct Orientation and Training
The parish and/or ministry must provide clear information about the volunteer/employment position, including specific tasks and procedures, as well as specific guidelines for working in high risk ministries.
ii) A predetermined probationary period should be established.
iii) Parishes must ensure that volunteers read and sign the back of the Volunteer/Employee Information Form, thus acknowledging the parameters of the volunteer/employment position.
k) Safe Environment Training
i) All parish and eparchial employees and all high risk ministry volunteers, as well as those in a leadership position, are required to complete the Slovak Eparchy of Toronto Safe Environment Training.
ii) A record of those who have completed their training is held at the Pastoral Centre.
iii) Those who complete the Safe Environment Training will receive a certificate of completion.
iv) A copy Safe Environment Training Certificate is to be included in the individual’s HR file.
l) Supervise and Evaluate
i) Parishes must provide appropriate support and supervision for all volunteers and employees.
ii) Parishes must offer volunteers and employees the opportunity to give and receive feedback.
iii) The parish should use the Self-Review for Parish Ministers/Volunteers to help assess the effectiveness of their volunteers and employees.
m) Follow up with ministry participants
i) Parishes must proactively seek feedback from program participants and parishioners to monitor the suitability of the volunteer and/or employee and the quality of the program or services offered.
ii) The parish must advise volunteers and employees that regular contact with program participants is an essential part of eparchial risk management procedures.
iii) The parish must advise all volunteers, employees and participants of where to call with questions or concerns.
iv) The parish should use the Participant Follow-Up Report to assess the effectiveness and suitability of employees and volunteers in their particular ministry positions where applicable.
Notwithstanding requirements for ordination and/or acceptance into a religious order, all clergy and consecrated persons must complete the following requirements in order to minister in the Slovak Eparchy of Toronto:
Police Information Check and Vulnerable Sector Check
Safe Environment Training
Covenant of Care
Slovak Eparchy of Toronto
Safe Environments Policy
Covenant of Care
The Slovak Eparchy in Toronto strives to provide a safe pastoral environment for everyone, including children, youth and vulnerable adults, as well as for those who minister on behalf of the Church.
▪ I understand that my actions in ministering to and serving the faithful in the Slovak Eparchy of Toronto are to be consistent with the teachings of the Catholic Church and exercised in a pastoral manner.
▪ I promise that all of my ministerial relationships, especially those with children, youth, and vulnerable adults, will be appropriate and in accordance with my ministry.
▪ I promise to conduct my ministry within the parameters of the Slovak Eparchy of Toronto Safe Environment Policy, and I promise to adhere to all of its procedures.
▪ I promise to adhere to the Slovak Eparchy of Toronto Code of Pastoral Conduct and Electronic Communications and Technology Policy.
▪ I promise to respect confidentiality and privacy, unless a child, youth or vulnerable person is in danger, then I will report to the proper authorities, including child protective services and/or the police.
▪ I understand that any type of abuse will not be tolerated. I understand that any allegation of abuse made against me will result in my immediate removal from the ministry or program and, subject to the results of an investigation in accordance with eparchial protocols, that it many end my ministerial relationship with the Church.
▪ I will consult with my director, pastor, or volunteer leader should I require further clarification concerning my ministry or service.
I have read this Covenant of Care and commit to it in my desire to serve in the Church and build up the Kingdom of God.
________________________ ________________________ _______________
Name of Cleric/Employee/Volunteer Signature of Cleric/Employee/Volunteer Date (day/month/year)
_________________________ _________________________ _______________
Name of Witness Signature of Witness Date (day/month/year)
____________________________ _________________________________
Name of Parish Ministry Position
*Once signed, this document is kept in the cleric’s/employee’s/volunteer’s file in the Pastoral Centre/ministry/parish office
Code of Pastoral Conduct
Policy Statement
Those who minister as clergy, employees and volunteers on behalf of the Slovak Eparchy of Toronto must conduct themselves in a manner that upholds Christian values and behaviour.
Intent of Policy
To provide clear standards of behaviour for those who minister in the Church in order to create safe and respectful Church communities and responsible, healthy ministerial relationships.
General Expectations
1. All clergy, employees and volunteers will confirm in writing their adherence to this Code of Pastoral Conduct by signing the Slovak Eparchy of Toronto Covenant of Care.
2. All clergy, employees and volunteers are responsible to maintain their own personal, spiritual, physical and psychological health and are expected to maintain good hygiene, proper appearance and wear clean, modest and appropriate clothing.
3. Clergy, employees and volunteers assume the full burden of responsibility for adherence to the Code of Pastoral Conduct and for establishing and maintaining clear, appropriate and respectful physical, emotional and social boundaries in all ministerial relationships and situations, especially those involving minors and vulnerable adults.
4. All clergy, employees and volunteers are expected to provide ministry that is free of physical, sexual, psychological, verbal, written or electronic harassment, misconduct or abuse, including bullying, grooming or any other exploitative behaviours inappropriate to the ministerial relationship.
5. Clergy, employees and volunteers must not:
a) use alcohol and/or cannabis when in active ministry and/or working with youth or vulnerable adults
b) possess or use illegal drugs at any time
c) possess or distribute child pornography
6. All clergy, staff and volunteers in a position of trust or who are involved in a ministerial relationship where ministry is conducted via any form of electronic communication will also govern themselves in compliance with the Slovak Eparchy of Toronto Electronic Communication and Technology Policy.
7. Physical Boundaries
a) Appropriate physical contact includes, but are not limited to:
• Shoulder to shoulder hugs, pats on the shoulder or back
• Handshakes, high fives/hard fives
• Verbal praise
• Holding hands while walking with small children or during prayer
• Pats on the head when culturally appropriate.
b) Inappropriate/prohibited forms of physical contact include, but are not limited to:
• Kisses on the mouth, lengthy/inappropriate embraces
• Holding minors on one’s lap
• Touching a person’s private parts, knees or thighs as a sign of affection
• Showing physical displays of affection in isolated areas
• Sleeping in the same bed as a minor/vulnerable person
• Wrestling with, tickling or giving massages or piggyback rides to a minor
• Any display of unwanted affection
• Compliments relating to sexual attractiveness or sexual development P4
Minors and Vulnerable Adults
8. Two qualified adults who have been screened and trained for ministry within the Slovak Eparchy in Toronto must be present for all Church sponsored activities, programs, transport and/or pastoral care outreach that involve minors or vulnerable adults. The two qualified adults must not be related. However, qualified adults who are related may minister together in this regard as long as there are other qualified adults present.
9. When ministering to minors or vulnerable adults, the following must be observed:
a) programs, activities and ministry must occur in appropriate areas of Church property that are open to public view
b) two qualified adults always must be present
c) windows in doors should never be covered and/or doors should be left open during the Sacrament of Confession - the confessor and penitent must be clearly visible, as through clear glass in confessional doors, or as in open areas, such as in front of the iconostasis
d) in all cases, the supervision must be reasonably adequate to ensure the safety and well-being of the minors and/or vulnerable persons present
10. Clergy, employees and volunteers should avoid being alone with a minor or vulnerable adult in a private residence, sleeping facility, locker room, rest room, dressing facility, or other closed room or area that is inappropriate to a ministerial relationship.
11. Off-site or overnight activities with minors must be solely for the purposes of an organized group program and held in a public area, with at least two qualified adults and for which parents have given written permission on the Parent Consent Form.
12. Clergy, employees and volunteers must sleep in separate areas from minors or vulnerable adults on over-night activities. Church personnel are not to share private overnight accommodations with individual minors or vulnerable adults.
13. In cases where minors or vulnerable persons may be in a state of undress, such as in a dorm room or bathroom, two qualified adults must be present to supervise. Access to such places is limited to those who are authorized for ministry. Other staff members, volunteers and parents are not permitted to enter these areas while in they are in active use. Under no circumstances is anyone allowed to take a photo or video in areas where minors or adults may be changing clothes.
14. No clergy, employee or volunteer is permitted to take personal trips or vacations with a minor or vulnerable adult whose relationship has been established through a Church ministry.
15. Clergy, employees and volunteers should not help children with toileting or diapering. Girls and boys must not change together, and adults must change separately from minors.
16. Clergy, employees and volunteers shall not engage in corporal punishment of minors or vulnerable adults in their care.
17. Clergy, employees and volunteers will not dispense medications to minors without written consent from a parent or legal guardian.
18. All allegations of harassment, misconduct or abuse (i.e., sexual abuse, grooming, bullying, etc.) must be taken seriously and reported to the appropriate person in charge (i.e., pastor or program administrator) who will then report it to the Pastoral Centre.
19. Those who learn information indicating clear and imminent danger to a minor or vulnerable adult, including the sexual, physical, emotional abuse or neglect of a minor, must take the allegations seriously and report first to the proper civil authorities, including the police, as required by the Child, Youth and Family Enhancement Act, as well as to the appropriate person in charge (i.e., pastor or program administrator) who will then report it to the Pastoral Centre. P6
20. All clergy, employees and volunteers must report their own ethical or professional misconduct and the misconduct of others to their immediate supervisor.
Electronic Communication and Technology Policy
Policy Statement
Electronic communication and the use of technology within the Church and its ministry is an effective means of evangelization. Clergy, employees and volunteers who minister on behalf of the Slovak Eparchy of Toronto and its parishes must use electronic communication and technology, including, but not limited to, organizational websites, blogs, email, text messages, social networking accounts, pages, and other platforms, in a manner that upholds Christian values and behaviour.
Intent of Policy
To provide clear standards for the use of electronic communication, technology and social media platforms by clergy, employees and volunteers as it pertains to their ministry within the Church.
General Expectations
1. All clergy, employees and volunteers will confirm in writing their adherence to this Electronic Communication and Technology Policy by signing the Covenant of Care.
2. Clergy, employees and volunteers assume the full burden of responsibility for adherence to the Electronic Communication and Technology Policy.
3. Parish and eparchial websites, blogs and social media accounts:
a) must be administered through the parish or eparchy
b) must be regularly monitored by the pastor or eparchial director and/or administrators
c) must be used exclusively for Church ministry
d) must reflect the teachings of the Catholic Church
e) must be protected by a password, known and held in confidence by at least two qualified adults who are appointed as administrators by the pastor or eparchial director, as well as the pastor or eparchial director
f) must honour copyright and license agreements - music, videos and photos may only be used with permission of the original source.
g) must not be used for conducting outside/personal business
h) must not be linked to a personal account
i) must not be used for socializing, counseling minors or vulnerable persons, prolonged conversations or any interactions of a personal nature.
j) must not be of a political nature that supports or opposes a candidate or political party in Canada or abroad. Such material is not permitted on any parish or eparchial website, blog, or social media account.
4. Electronic communication
a) Parish and eparchial staff involved in ministry must use a parish or eparchial based email account.
b) Clergy, employees, and volunteers must observe the following when using a computer, the internet, any electronic device, or email accounts provided by the Church:
i. Respect the privacy of others
ii. Safeguard user IDs and passwords
iii. Scan for viruses when downloading files from the internet
iv. Never attempt to bypass, block, or remove filtering software
v. Protect confidential information from unauthorized use or disclosure
vi. Never post, share or email material that is inappropriate to their ministry
vii. Never use these devices, accounts or the internet for inappropriate/illegal purposes
c) Clergy, employees and volunteers who use their personal cell phones and other devices and/or accounts for electronic communication for their work in the Church must do so in a manner that is befitting their professional role in ministry.
5. Oversight
a) The Eparchy reserves the right to review, monitor, track and analyze (with or without notice) electronic communications of clergy, employees, and volunteers which have been generated by parish or eparchial accounts or that have been sent using equipment or devices provided by or belonging to the Eparchy or its parishes, especially where there are reasonable grounds that eparchial policy may be in violation.
b) All inappropriate electronic communication must be made known to the immediate supervisor and/or proper authorities.
6. Parish lists and parishioner contact information must not be published or posted online.
7. Financial contributions may be acknowledged publicly with the permission of the donor.
8. Emails sent to ministry group participants must not disclose recipients’ contact information without permission. In most cases, the blind carbon copy (bcc) function should be used when sending emails to more than one individual to protect individuals’ privacy.
9. A statement authorizing the use of photos and videos of ministry participants on ministry social media platforms must be included in every parish or eparchial activity registration or permission form.
10. Signs must be clearly posted at each entryway, alerting individuals that church services or events are recorded or live streamed.
Minors/Vulnerable Adults
11. Clergy, employees and volunteers must obtain written consent of a parent/guardian:
a) before posting the personal information, including photos and/or videos, of a minor or vulnerable person on any social media platform
b) before sharing the contact information of minors/vulnerable adults with others
c) before they can communicate with minors/vulnerable persons through telephone, cell phone, text messaging, email, social networks, or other electronic means
d) prior to a minor’s or vulnerable adult’s participation on a parish or eparchial social networking site
e) in order to initiate/accept “friend/follow” requests of minors on a parish or eparchial social networking site
12. Clergy, employees and volunteers must not initiate “friend/follow” requests with minors from their
personal accounts.
13. Parents must be given access to all communications between their children and clergy, employees or volunteers if requested.
14. Two qualified adults must be present for all live chat or video conferencing involving minors or vulnerable adults.
15. Every one-on-one electronic correspondence between an adult and a minor will have a second adult present and/or electronically copied.
16. Electronic communication between an adult and a minor/vulnerable person should not be used to address/discuss confidential matters.
17. Minors should not be given access to the private or personal postings or emails of an adult (clergy, employee or volunteer).
18. All interactions between clergy, employees and volunteers and minors/vulnerable adults should reflect the ministerial role of the person in ministry.
Code of Ethics and Accountability
Slovak Eparchy of Toronto
Safe Environments Policy
Code of Ethics and Accountability
By virtue of doing ministry and serving in the Church, clergy and employees of the Slovak Eparchy of Toronto have a responsibility to uphold the inherent dignity of every person in all their relationships.
The Code of Ethics and Accountability defines the professional obligations to be lived faithfully by all clergy and employees of the Slovak Eparchy of Toronto and is intended to complement canon and civil law, and the Eparchy’s human resources policies, procedures and practices. All clergy and employees ministering in the Eparchy are to commit to the following:
1. Commitment to the Gospel
• Uphold Sacred Scripture and Catholic Tradition
• Be attentive to social justice issues • Support ecumenism and interreligious dialogue
• Live in accordance with the teachings of the Church
2. Integrity
• Be upright and conscientious
• Lead by example
• Act honestly at work and away from work
3. Competence
• Maintain high levels of professional proficiency in areas of responsibility
• Commit to continuing formation and education
• Recognize one’s limitations
4. Respect
• Value all individuals in keeping with the Church’s teaching on human dignity
1. Physical, Psychological and Emotional Health
• Self-care
• Regular days off
• Annual vacation
2. Spiritual and Moral Health
• Regular prayer life
• Annual retreat and days of reflection
• Ongoing faith formation
3. Professional Development
• Seminars and workshops
• Reading from both religious and secular sources
• Annual evaluation process
Collaboration and Administration
• Meet civil and canonical requirements
• Reflect Catholic social teachings that includes providing a just wage and adequate benefits
• Includes clergy, lay ecclesial staff, parish organizations and groups
Professional Conduct
• Fully cooperate with all the requirements of the Eparchy’s Safe Environments Policies
• Applies to counselling and spiritual direction, except in situations of danger to self, others, or in the disclosure of child abuse
• Applies to any work-related matters
• Applies to all eparchial records
• Is independent of and supplementary to the seal of confession
Reporting Misconduct
• All clergy and staff are required to report ethical, legal, or professional misconduct
I have read and agree to abide by this Code of Ethics and Accountability.
___________________ _____________________________ _______________
Name of Volunteer Signature of Volunteer Date (day/month/year)
___________________ ___________________________ _______________
Name of Witness Signature of Witness Date (day/month/year)
__________________________ _____________________________________
Name of Parish Ministry Position
*Once signed, this document is to be kept in the cleric’s/employee’s file in the Pastoral Centre/parish office
Notwithstanding any required skills and qualifications for employment, all lay employees of any parish or the Eparchy must complete the following in order to minister in any capacity in the Slovak Eparchy of Toronto, as all employees are considered to be in high-risk ministries:
Volunteer information Form (Adults)
Volunteer Information Form (Minors)
Police Information Check and Vulnerable Sector Check or Annual Attestation
Safe Environment Training
Covenant of Care
Code of Pastoral Conduct
Electronic Communications and Technology Policy
Code of Ethics and Accountability
Slovak Eparchy of Toronto
Safe Environments Policy
Code of Ethics and Accountability
By virtue of doing ministry and serving in the Church, clergy and employees of the Slovak Eparchy of Toronto have a responsibility to uphold the inherent dignity of every person in all their relationships.
The Code of Ethics and Accountability defines the professional obligations to be lived faithfully by all clergy and employees of the Slovak Eparchy of Toronto and is intended to complement canon and civil law, and the Eparchy’s human resources policies, procedures and practices. All clergy and employees ministering in the Eparchy are to commit to the following:
1. Commitment to the Gospel
• Uphold Sacred Scripture and Catholic Tradition
• Be attentive to social justice issues • Support ecumenism and interreligious dialogue
• Live in accordance with the teachings of the Church
2. Integrity
• Be upright and conscientious
• Lead by example
• Act honestly at work and away from work
3. Competence
• Maintain high levels of professional proficiency in areas of responsibility
• Commit to continuing formation and education
• Recognize one’s limitations
4. Respect
• Value all individuals in keeping with the Church’s teaching on human dignity
1. Physical, Psychological and Emotional Health
• Self-care
• Regular days off
• Annual vacation
2. Spiritual and Moral Health
• Regular prayer life
• Annual retreat and days of reflection
• Ongoing faith formation
3. Professional Development
• Seminars and workshops
• Reading from both religious and secular sources
• Annual evaluation process
Collaboration and Administration
• Meet civil and canonical requirements
• Reflect Catholic social teachings that includes providing a just wage and adequate benefits
• Includes clergy, lay ecclesial staff, parish organizations and groups
Professional Conduct
• Fully cooperate with all the requirements of the Eparchy’s Safe Environments Policies
• Applies to counselling and spiritual direction, except in situations of danger to self, others, or in the disclosure of child abuse
• Applies to any work-related matters
• Applies to all eparchial records
• Is independent of and supplementary to the seal of confession
Reporting Misconduct
• All clergy and staff are required to report ethical, legal, or professional misconduct
I have read and agree to abide by this Code of Ethics and Accountability.
__________________ __________________________ ____________
Name of Volunteer Signature of Volunteer Date (day/month/year)
__________________ ___________________________ _______________
Name of Witness Signature of Witness Date (day/month/year)
_____________________ _________________________________
Name of Parish Ministry Position
*Once signed, this document is to be kept in the cleric’s/employee’s file in the Pastoral Centre/parish office
The Slovak Eparchy of Toronto has a responsibility to establish and manage its Safe Environment Policy within all ministries and parishes.
a) Develop and maintain an Eparchial Safe Environment Policy
The Slovak Eparchy of Toronto must review and update its Safe Environment policy every five years, and make any appropriate changes as required.
b) Safe Environment Advisory Committee
The Slovak Eparchy of Toronto must establish a Safe Environment Advisory Committee to assist with the establishment and review of its policies and procedures and to advise the bishop on any allegations of abuse within the Church made known to the Eparchy.
c) Eparchial Safe Environment Coordinator
The Slovak Eparchy of Toronto is to appoint an Eparchial Safe Environment Coordinator to assist in the implementation of all Safe Environment Policies throughout the Eparchy.
d) Screening of Clergy and Eparchial Employees
The Eparchy will ensure that all of its clergy and employees ministering in the Eparchy are properly screened.
e) Safe Environment Training
The Eparchy will facilitate Safe Environment Training for all clergy, volunteers and employees who require it.
f) Victim’s Care Committee
The Slovak Eparchy of Toronto will establish a Victim’s Care Committee to support all those affected by abuse in the Church.
Reporting and Responding to Abuse
The Church takes seriously its responsibility to provide a safe pastoral environment within its parishes and ministries. When an allegation arises, the Slovak Eparchy of Toronto is committed to responding with compassion and in a timely manner, providing assistance to those in need of healing and reconciliation, and will take any and all means to prevent a future occurrence of abuse.
Call 911 if someone is in immediate danger
Abuse involving a minor (under 18)
Contact the civil authorities immediately:
Local police service
Crime Stoppers: 1-800-222-8477
Catholic children’s aid society of Toronto 416-395-1500
Online exploitation: www.cybertip.ca
Abuse involving a senior
Local police service
Crime Stoppers: 1-800-222-8477
Report abuse in the Church
For all matters of abuse involving vulnerable persons, seniors, minors, church properties/finances, bullying, etc. by any bishop, clergy, staff, or lay volunteer within the Church, please contact:
Fr. Alexander Laschuk JCD
Eparchial Coordinator of Care
Email: safeguarding@ucetec.org
Safeguarding Hotline: +1 (833)-553-2233
What happens when I report abuse within the Church?
The following outlines the process to be followed by the Slovak Eparchy of Toronto should it be made aware of any allegation of abuse or miscount in ministry which is contrary to the Safe Environment Policy.
1. Refer abuse complaints to the Safe Environments Coordinator who will collect preliminary information regarding the complaint and prepare an intake report. At the same time, the Safe Environments Coordinator will notify the Bishop’s Delegate of the complaint. NOTE: If the abuse involves a minor (under 18 years of age), the Safe Environments Coordinator must by law immediately contact local police authorities.
2. After completing the report, the Safe Environments Coordinator will forward the intake report to the Bishop’s Delegate who will begin a preliminary investigation. If the allegation lacks credible evidence or is deemed to be not credible at the time of intake, the process ends here, and the parties are informed. If it appears to be a credible allegation, the following steps are taken:
3. If the alleged perpetrator is the eparchial bishop:
a) The metropolitan will be notified of the allegation.
b) The metropolitan will immediately contact the Holy See through the Apostolic Nuncio for further instruction.
4. If the alleged perpetrator is a priest, deacon, sub-deacon or lector:
a) The cleric is notified of the allegation and is placed on administrative leave.
b) The bishop issues a decree opening a canonical investigation.
c) The Bishop’s Delegate undertakes an investigation determining the probability of the offences.
d) The Bishop issues a decree closing the investigation and forwards the file to the Safe Environments Advisory Committee for review and recommendations.
i) If the victim was a minor at the time of the offence or the offence is a graver delict/crime, the matter is forwarded to the Congregation of the Doctrine of the Faith (Rome).
ii) If the victim was not a minor at the time of the alleged delict/crime, the bishop addresses the matter within the Eparchy.
e) The following canonical procedures could take place: judicial trial, the administrative procedure, ex-officio dismissal from the clerical state
f) The result of the above-mentioned procedures and/or resolution may be appealed by either party.
5) If the alleged perpetrator is a consecrated person (men and women religious) ministering in an official capacity within the Slovak Eparchy of Toronto:
a) The consecrated person is notified of the allegation and his/her ability to minister in the Slovak Eparchy of Toronto is suspended.
b) His/her superior is notified and, working with the Bishop’s Delegate and the Safe Environments Advisory Committee, will initiate the religious community’s own allegation investigation process.
6) If the alleged perpetrator is a lay person (employee or volunteer) who is ministering in an official capacity within the Slovak Eparchy of Toronto:
a) The person is notified of the allegation and is placed on administrative leave.
b) The Bishop’s Delegate undertakes an investigation to determine the probability of the offences.
c) The Bishop’s Delegate forwards the report to the Safe Environments Advisory Committee for recommendations.
d) Discipline or termination for employees and suspension from ministry for volunteers will be assessed.
Safe Environments Advisory Committee
The Safe Environments Advisory Committee reviews and assists in assessing all complaints regarding abuse of children, youth and vulnerable adults assigned to it by the Bishop’s Delegate and makes recommendations within an appropriate timeframe to the bishop or appropriate persons regarding actions to be taken.
Care and Healing
The Slovak Eparchy of Toronto is committed to spiritual care and healing by ensuring that:
those who bring forth allegations of abuse are treated with dignity and respect
spiritual care, counselling and support are made available to victims of abuse
the good reputation and the privacy of all persons involved are protected
Victim’s Care Committee
The purpose of the Victim’s Care Committee is to ensure that appropriate assistance is made available to victims of sexual abuse committed by clergy, religious, employees and volunteers while ministering in the Slovak Eparchy of Toronto. The goal is to enable the healing of those victimized by the abuse, their families, the parish community and others who may have been hurt by the abuse.
The Victim’s Care Committee will receive referrals from the Safe Environments Advisory Committee following the Advisory Committee’s investigation and response to the complaint.